A Simple Content Management System for Your Location-based Business

YourMapp makes every visitor experience special. With access to a content management system, you can add, remove, send and update information and locations; like content pages, easily and instantly for every significant feature of your business, see it in action.

Content pages

Give your customers an easy journey by helping them find all the information they need to know about what your business has to offer. Link to content pages from maps to provide detailed information about your business. Populate the points of interest with information, images, documents and anything else that your visitors need to know about your business.

Categories and menu

We’ve made it very simple and easy for you to organize information about your business. YourMapp offers you the option of adding categories to pages so that your information is crystal clear and your customers are happy. Your visitors can browse and search through your app’s menu. YourMapp is tailored for enhancing visitor experience and customer engagement, we believe in making things easy to use so that your visitors can focus on enjoying their time out.

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Let us show you how YourMapp can work for you in a tailored demo
